Ufff... ya estamos aquí. Después de 10 días de vueltas por el continente asiatico regresamos a las rutinas de la ciudad. ¡Menudo viaje más molón que nos hemos pegado! Estuvimos en Izmir y Estambul (Turquía) y en la isla de Kios (Grecia) pasándolo teta.
Hoy os mostraremos algunas imágenes de nuestra primera parada: Izmir.
Mi hermana ha estado estudiando allí 9 meses, así que aprovechando sus concocimientos del lugar hemos visitado con ella esta ciudad. Es bastante asombrosa: a caballo entre una ciudad europea y una urbe tradicional, Izmir tiene rincones auténicos (zona del bazar, restaurantes familiares, mercadillos de verdura y de objetos de segunda mano) y calles occidentales con locales de música que ya querrían las ciudades españolas más fiesteras. Mientras caminas por sus calles puedes ver a las mujeres más modernas y al mismo tiempo cabezas cubiertas con pañuelo, los móviles de última generación y puestos de zumo natural exprimido al momento, barrios financieros y colinas de chabolas.
Alojados en casa de un habitante local, Izmir nos parece un lugar en expansión, con claras pretensiones de modernizarse pero con una fuerte tradición islamica al mismo tiempo. Se la considera la ciudad más progresista del país, aunque al mismo tiempo no es muy frecuente ver turismo extranjero por allí.
Recomendamos visitarla, en especial los mercados callejeros de barrio y la zona de Konak (el enorme centro urbano). Al encontrarse en una bahía y en zona montañosa, las puestas de sol son preciosas.
Ufff... we're back! After 10 days of going around in the Asian continent we are finally returning to the routines of the city... What an incredible trip we had! We were in Izmir and Istanbul in Turkey, and in the island of Chios in Greece.
Today we'll show you some pictures of our first stop: Izmir.
My sister studied there for 9 months. So we took advantage of her acquaitance with the place and we were hosted at the home of a local. It is quite amazing: somewhere between an European and a traditional city, Izmir has incredible spots (the bazaar area, family restaurants, vegetable and used objects markets). On the other hand it has occidental streets with music bars and pubs that would make the best Spanish city blush with envy. As you walk thourough Izmir streets you can see the most western fashion women walking aside with other with their heads covered with handkerchiefs, the latest generation of mobile phones contrast with the spots of natural fresh juice, prepared right there at the moment. As you see more of the city, business districts clash against shack hills.
Izmir is an expanding city with clear pretensions to follow some eastern trend. At the same time, it shares a strong Islamic tradition. It is considered the most progressive city in Turkey. However, foreign tourists are not very often seen there.
We recommend Izmir as a travel destination. Especially the non turistic outdoor markets and the area of Konak (the large urban center). The city is a meeting point of montains and sea. At the end of the day, the sunsets could be writing material for poets.
Today we'll show you some pictures of our first stop: Izmir.
My sister studied there for 9 months. So we took advantage of her acquaitance with the place and we were hosted at the home of a local. It is quite amazing: somewhere between an European and a traditional city, Izmir has incredible spots (the bazaar area, family restaurants, vegetable and used objects markets). On the other hand it has occidental streets with music bars and pubs that would make the best Spanish city blush with envy. As you walk thourough Izmir streets you can see the most western fashion women walking aside with other with their heads covered with handkerchiefs, the latest generation of mobile phones contrast with the spots of natural fresh juice, prepared right there at the moment. As you see more of the city, business districts clash against shack hills.
Izmir is an expanding city with clear pretensions to follow some eastern trend. At the same time, it shares a strong Islamic tradition. It is considered the most progressive city in Turkey. However, foreign tourists are not very often seen there.
We recommend Izmir as a travel destination. Especially the non turistic outdoor markets and the area of Konak (the large urban center). The city is a meeting point of montains and sea. At the end of the day, the sunsets could be writing material for poets.
3 comentarios:
Os quedais muy cerca de nosotros, en Casas do Monte Alto y tu padre à mi derecha, mirando :)
Bienvegut :)
Oh Jorge demorei a perceber que eras tu!! ehehe
Estas aí a falar castelhano...e eu ainda sou Tuga!
Este verao vemo-nos ou que?...
Esta tarde dou um salto pelos vossos blogs (estou secretamente a trabalhar)
estejam atentos ao e-mail da tia:
há encomendas (eu quero um ouriço verde) e o pedido para me trazerem 3 livros que é difícil encontrar em Huelva.
Esperamo-vos para boas jantaradas sob o telheiro e têm casa independente, se precisarem.
(a ver se os inspirais por mas dos gemelos, como Diogo e Paula...jejeje)
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