La segunda parte de las vacaciones la hemos pasado en El Pirineo Aragonés, concretamente en la zona del valle de Ordesa y Monte Perdido, Bujaruelo y el valle de Otal. Aquello es impresionante. Aunque he estado en varias ocasiones nunca me canso de volver y descubrir nuevos rincones. Volvimos a pasear por las villas de Sarvisé, Broto, Fanlo, Ainsa... rodeados de montañas de más de 3000 metros de altura y en pleno deshielo. El segundo día hicimos la senda de Bujaruelo, durmiendo en el refugio y subiendo al valle de Otal al día siguiente, un lugar mágico rodeado de montañas y con un río de agua de deshielo cruzándolo por el medio. Llegamos muy pronto y tuvimos la suerte de ver varias marmotas corriendo por allí ¡son enormes!.
Por las noches refresca y se oyen los grillos bajo la ventana. A los que os guste hacer rutas por el monte no podéis dejar de visitar esta zona, llena de ascensos a picos, barrancos llenos de agua, cuevas, bosques densos y escarpados, ríos y cascadas... hay opciones para todos los niveles. Si decidís subir, ya nos contaréis.
The second part of our trip was spent at the Aragonese Pyrenees, in a place called Ordesa Valley close to the Lost Mountain, Bujaruelo and Otal Valley. They are truly awesome. And even though I've been there many times, I never get tired of it.
We visited the small towns Sarvisé, Broto, Fanlo, Ainsa ... In the second day we went for a long walk to Bujaruelo's valley, where there is a shelter. We slept there, and in the following day we walked until Otal. It's a magical valley, a place surrounded by the mountain tops with a small river coming from the melting snow. We arrived very early. Since we were first, we were able to see the marmots running around!
We visited the small towns Sarvisé, Broto, Fanlo, Ainsa ... In the second day we went for a long walk to Bujaruelo's valley, where there is a shelter. We slept there, and in the following day we walked until Otal. It's a magical valley, a place surrounded by the mountain tops with a small river coming from the melting snow. We arrived very early. Since we were first, we were able to see the marmots running around!
The evenings are very cool in this place, but you can hear the crickets in the wild. For those who like to go to the mountains, this is a place you must visit. It has all we expect from the Pyrenees: incredible mountains, canyons filled with water, amazing caves, dense and steep forests, rivers and waterfalls ... there is fun for all levels of difficulty.